Welcome to The Virginia May

Most of my life  “home” has been beautiful Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. As many Canadians do, I spent most of my winters with my mind wandering to warmer days, beaches, sunny vacations, and a good margarita. As a sun lover  by nature, my happiest moments had always been summer, biking, BBQ, and lake days surrounded by good friends. 

In 2020 at the start of the Pandemic, I sold my home in Edmonton and purchased the property on Randle Ln sight unseen. It was a risk and a gamble but what is life if not to live on the edge. I had big dreams and big plans to open a Bed and Breakfast as I closed on 31 years of teaching high school English. The original date for opening was Memorial Day weekend 2021, but that date came and went as construction stalled, and labor costs skyrocketed. I stayed in Canada until the end of June 2021, and then made the 2600 mile trek across the country. I arrived exactly one year after purchase with still much to do.

Undeterred, I rolled up my sleeves, and finished an extensive renovation on the house and then got busy with the two cottages the fall of 2021 and nine months later they were done and ready to welcome guests for Memorial Day Weekend 2022.

The Guest House and the Baby Guest House — the compilation of “guest” and “house” are the end result of many sketches, sleepless nights and much dreaming. The Baby Guest House is a new build, and we were able to save one wall and the flooring and beams from the original building which originally was located where the garden is now.

Where does the name come from you ask? Virginia May is my mom- who just turned 93 years old. She is little spit fire who made the trip all the way from Canada to Texas just to stand in front of the sign. :)

I hope to meet you soon. Welcome to The Virginia May.
